Perpetual Cards - 2023 11 30
Perpetual cards is an idea of card giving that changes the significance and meaning of giving the gift of a card. Perpetual cards applies the idea of 'paying it forward' in the gifting of a card. The cards themselves are original, framable works of art. The cards may be made from card-shaped art (original art sized to fit off-the-shelf card dimensions) or art-shaped cards (original art turned into custom sized cards). The card package includes the original card, five removable card liners for personal notes, five blank mailing lables for To: and Return: addresses, postage stamps to send the card to five separate destinations. The mailing envelope is a re-usable, new addresses and postage can be applied to send the card to a new destination. The purchase of the card package provides for the card to be gifted 5 times from one recipient to another. The cards can be used to commemorate special events, they can also be used to acknowledge and highlight individual contributions t...