Tipping Point - 2024 09 01
Tipping point
The last straw
We won’t know until it lands
It appears as featherlight
But it’s weight is enough
To upset the cart
To break the avalanche free
To swamp the boat
For the engine to cough its last gasps
We aren’t going to know
Until it happens
In the blink of an eye
Everything changes
We aren’t going to know
We can try all we might
To control what fate brings
But we can’t pull the tomato to make it grow faster
We can’t push the river to change its course
Whatever we think should be
Whatever we believe is right
Whatever we have faith in
We live on a blue speck in infinite space
We are smaller than atomic particles
We can disappear in an instant
We know we are at the tipping point
We don’t know what is tipping
We don’t know what the point is
We don’t know how long we have
We do know we are on a tipping point
Life is a balancing act
Between the living and the dead
Between the forces of inertia and the forces of nature
Between the forces of life and the forces of themodynamics
Life is poetic
Life is predictable in its unpredictability
Life is certain in its uncertainty
Life is known through its unknowability
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